Conero Logbook 2017
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The 2017 diving season was quite short and concentrated from May to August. Talking about photography, probably more than in past, macro lenses were the protagonists.
theoretically it should be too late for Doto coronata ed Eubranchus tricolor, but the sea always makes beautiful surprises and despite water is 15° degrees Celsius, here they are! The best period to watch the coloured sea slugs is beginning and also this year it offers plenty of opportunities.
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This is also the moment when Gobius niger bravely protects the eggs. An unmissable opportunity for some close shots. Macropodia are everywhere, sometimes less masked than usual.
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as usual other species of nudibranchs arrive. Close to the Nicole wreck the surprise of the year: Berghia verrucicornis. As far as I know, this is the first sighting of this nudibranch in the Conero area.
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Life explodes everywhere and there are many opportunities to observe and shoot all around.
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The visibility is good, it’s the right moment to take a look at the sand. During one of this Muck tour, I meet the most patient prawn (Penaeus kerathurus) I have ever seen, that leaves me the time to find a decent way for shooting with a 105mm macro!
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it’s the month of the great return: Dondice banyulensis, it is possible to see it from 4 grotte to Trave.
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The visibility decreases, I make a virtue out of necessity by changing to portrait.
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traditionally the month of Trave dive spot and Calmella cavolini, who crowds the hydrozoan twigs as every year.
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just a dive respecting the tradition to meet the musky octopuses and the slipper lobsters.
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Dives were concentrated in a few months this year, but they were full of small and big satisfactions. I hope for a 2018 full of bubbles and many other satisfactions in this small but wonderful corner of biodiversity that is the Sea of Conero.
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Italiano (Italian)